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Becoming an ATH

Becoming an ATH

The accreditation process is open to any independent laboratory and being an ATH allows a laboratory to use the World Rugby Approved logo on promotional materials.

Note that Accredited Test Houses are not the same as Accredited Test Institutes (ATIs), ATIs are organisations accredited to test artificial turf to World Rugby Regulation 22.

The accreditation process is open to any independent laboratory and being an ATH allows a laboratory to use the World Rugby Approved logo on promotional materials.

For more information on becoming an Accredited Test House please email

Test Methods

World Rugby use a combination of internationally accepted standards (ISO, EN, ASTM, etc) and specific internally developed tests. These internal methods are only developed if no suitable standard already exists. World Rugby Accredited Test Houses must hold ISO 17025 accreditation for the test methods used to assess equipment against Regulation 12. World Rugby has divided the tests into three categories based on the likelihood and ability to include these in ISO 17025 accreditation:

  • Mandatory - These tests must be within the scope of ISO 17025 accreditation before World Rugby accreditation can be achieved
  • Recommended - It is preferred that these tests be included in any scope. This may also include tests which World Rugby intend to move to mandatory at a future date.
  • Optional - ATHs are free to include these in a scope if desired but not having them will not impede accreditation.

World Rugby continue to work with ATHs to replace internal methods with international test methods or to work toward having internally developed methods recognised internationally.

There is no requirement for an Accredited Test House to hold ISO 17025 accreditation for all tests listed in all Performance Specifications, only those which are listed in the Performance Specification for the device(s) they wish to be accredited for.

In addition to the requirements of Regulation 12, World Rugby will also ask Accredited Test Houses to assess relevant devices (Body Padding, Headgear, Goggles and Boots) against the requirements of Regulation 11 (Advertising within the playing enclosure) so that manufacturers can be informed of any potential issues when wearing devices at international level.

All results will be submitted to Hermes, the World Rugby Approval Portal which can be accessed at

Continued Compliance

World Rugby will audit each Accredited Test House’s ISO 17025 status annually, to ensure continued compliance. This audit will involve the Accredited Test House submitting a list of test methods which are within their ISO 17025 scope and World Rugby selecting a sample of these at random. The Accredited Test House will submit the relevant paperwork confirming that test is within scope to World Rugby for checking.

Accredited Test Houses are required to inform World Rugby of any changes to their ISO 17025 accreditation.

From January 1st 2021 all ATHs will be required to have all relevant tests within their ISO 17025 scope before being considered accredited. World Rugby reserve the right to adjust this requirement as business needs dictate


In addition to the role that Accredited Test Houses play in the independent assessment of devices, World Rugby intend to further engage with these organisations in the continued development and evolution of the Performance Specifications to ensure that they are fit for purpose by enabling innovation while ensuring that the purpose of the regulation is upheld. This means that all Accredited Test Houses will be extended an invitation to the annual World Rugby Manufacturer’s Meeting and to any other meetings where changes to the technical aspects of relevant Performance Specifications are being discussed.

 The following list of tests indicates the Specification that they are used in and the category that has been currently assigned. 

Download Test Methods
