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Terms and Conditions

Law 4 Headgear Trial Terms and Conditions

Law 4 Headgear Trial Terms and Conditions

In an effort to allow manufacturers to “field-test” new materials which may be of assistance in reducing or helping to prevent head injuries, World Rugby has created a global law trial for headgear (the “Global Law Trial”).

Certain manufacturers claim that headgear which involves new materials and technology seem likely to reduce or help in preventing head injuries. Further tests are required in order to test these claims and independent regulatory bodies (such as the US Food and Drug Administration) are best placed to assess the claims made. In order for that to occur, manufacturers are required by the regulatory bodies to provide data taken from rugby matches. Currently, World Rugby Regulation 12 (Clothing) does not permit the new materials to be worn in rugby matches.

The purpose of the Global Law Trial is to allow the manufacturers to field-test the design and materials used in certain new headgear designs, and to provide the data obtained from those field-tests to the independent regulatory bodies who will ultimately decide on whether the claims made are correct and true.

It is important to note that World Rugby makes no claims as to whether the materials are effective or are likely to be effective but is keen to facilitate the manufacturers, since in the event that their claims are correct, it will benefit player welfare.

It should be noted that only headgear carrying the official World Rugby “Trial Approved” logo will be permitted to be used in the trial, and in order to wear trial-approved headgear, all participants must sign up to the terms and conditions of the trial (both the World Rugby terms and conditions and the Manufacturer’s terms and conditions).

The use of the trial-approved headgear is permitted in any game of Rugby. Any player who considers the risks inherent in playing with or against someone wearing trial-approved headgear to be outside of acceptable levels of risk is free to choose not to participate in the game however the use of trial- approved headgear is not grounds for preventing the wearer from playing in the game.

The success or otherwise of the Global Law Trial will determine whether trial-approved headgear will be permitted to be worn beyond the trial period. It is important for participants to be aware that in the event that the trial-approved headgear is not successful within the trial, permission for use will be withdrawn and the player will no longer be permitted to wear the trial-approved headgear in any rugby match.

I confirm that I consent to take part in the Global Law Trial.

I confirm and acknowledge that the effectiveness of the headgear is unknown at this time and I understand that there may be no benefit to me, in terms of the risk of head injuries and in particular, concussion, in wearing the headgear and I confirm that I will not amend my playing behaviour in any way due to the wearing of the headgear.

I accept any risk of injury that may arise out of wearing the headgear. To the fullest extent permitted by law, World Rugby disclaims any and all liability arising under or in connection with the Global Law Trial, including any and all direct, indirect or consequential loss (whether in contract, tort (including negligence) or otherwise).