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Rugby Turf and the Environment

World Rugby recognise the need to ensure that artificial turf is installed and used in a way that minimises its environmental footprint.

World Rugby recognise the need to ensure that artificial turf is installed and used in a way that minimises its environmental footprint. World Rugby support initiatives that reduce this impact and recognise the role that artificial turf plays in providing a safe, quality and appropriate playing surface for rugby and other sports from age grade through to the elite level of the game.

Due to the global reach of Regulation 22 World Rugby have consciously limited the environmental requirements in the regulation and instead have partnered with industry bodies to identify best practice in managing and reducing the environmental effect of artificial turf fields.

The primary environmental inclusion within the regulation is the requirement to implement infrastructure that minimises the risk of infill migration from the field. It is recommended that this is done using CENTR 17519 as a basis for the infrastructure design.

The STC and ESTC have a range of information related to this topic, including the infographic below, more can be accessed using the links in the sidebar.