Motorcycles, movies and strange mustard habit... In the lead-up to the first round of the IRB Women's Sevens World Series in Dubai, we learn a little more about one of last season's most exciting players, Canada's Jen Kish.
1. What was your first rugby experience?

My junior high Phys. Ed. teacher introduced rugby to our class. At the time she was playing club rugby and wanted to share her passion for the sport.

2. And your first match?..

My first match was when I was in grade 10 during high school.

3. When did you know that rugby was what you wanted to do?

While I was in high school, my coaches and teammates encouraged me to join a club and not long after I realized that rugby was the right sport for me.

4. What do you like to eat before a match?

My teammates always found this to be very weird, but I eat two packets of mustard before every match to prevent me from cramping.

5. Which part of training do you dread the most?

Practice is always something I dreaded because I've always been a gamer. However, practice is why I am where I am today in my career.

6. What do you like doing outside of rugby?

I enjoy spending my time riding my motorcycle, bowling, golfing, watching movies, playing video games, shopping and personal training.

7. Who are your sporting idols?

Muhammad Ali. His dedication, attitude and passion toward boxing really set him apart from other boxers. He inspires me to keep trying to reach new levels in rugby and never settling to just be good enough but to strive for greatness.
8. What is your favourite sporting memory?

Last year's final against USA at the Amsterdam Sevens. We were down 19-5 in the second half and after being on defence for a while, I remember looking to our bench and hearing our head coach John Tait say: "Trust your fitness." Not once during that game did we place blame on each other, panic or give up. This will always be a game that I will turn to when we are down.

9. What are you most looking forward to on this year's Series?

I'm looking forward to the World Cup and having all the women's games played in the stadiums alongside the men. Women's rugby has come a long way in such a short period of time and finally the fans who cannot physically be there to watch now have the opportunity to watch every game on TV.
10. Who do you think is going to win the first IRB Women's Sevens World Series?

Canada, of course!!!!