Global Partners

World Rugby - British & Irish Lions v Australia Tickets Prize Draw


These terms and conditions apply to this online competition being run by World Rugby Limited (“World Rugby”), part of the World Rugby group of companies and apply to you so far as the law permits so please read them carefully.

This competition offers eligible individuals who successfully submit an entry (the Entrant) with an opportunity to win the competition prize as set out below.

  1. Notice regarding personal data: By entering this competition, you agree to World Rugby contacting you if you are selected as a winner of the competition to discuss the awarding to you of a winner’s prize. World Rugby shall process all personal data it collects from you during this competition in accordance with its privacy policy ( The personal data which you submit in connection with this competition shall not be used for any purpose which is incompatible with the purposes of facilitating your entry into this competition and providing you with the opportunity to win the competition prize and/or the purposes described in World Rugby’s privacy policy and where you have also consented to us sharing your information with third parties in accordance with the privacy policy, opted in to receive marketing information from World Rugby or the purpose has been discussed with you by World Rugby in advance.


  1. The personal information relating to you that we will collect in relation to your entry will include:
    1. Your first and last name;
    2. Your email address;
    3. Your country of residence;
    4. Your date of birth;
    5. If you win a prize, we may need to collect your postal address and a contact number; and
    6. Any correspondence we have with you in relation to our consideration of your entry.


  1. Your consent to the use of your personal data above is a pre-condition to you entering this competition and the relevant consents are required prior to entry.


  1. You may withdraw your consent at any time by writing to us at However, if an Entrant withdraws their consent to us using their personal information as described above, we will no longer consider their entry and they will forego their opportunity to win the prize.


  1. Acceptance of these Terms and Conditions is a condition of entry and the entry instructions below form part of these Terms and Conditions. Prior to submitting an entry and as a condition of eligibility for winning a prize, the winner shall be required to confirm acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.


  1. This competition is open only to those individuals who are:



  • Aged 18 or over at the time of submitting an Entry; and
  • not employees of World Rugby or a member of their immediate families, and are not World Rugby associated companies, agents, third parties or anyone else professionally connected with this competition (and their immediate families).


World Rugby reserves the right to verify the eligibility of Entrants. World Rugby may require such additional information as it considers reasonably necessary for this purpose and a prize may be withheld unless and until World Rugby is satisfied with the verification in their sole discretion.


  1. Entry into this competition is free and no purchase is necessary.


  1. How to enter:


  1. You will be asked a multiple choice question. You must select the correct answer and submit your selection;
  2. In order to enter the competition, you must submit your personal details on the form hosted on the World Rugby website page: The information you submit will be processed by World Rugby in accordance with its privacy policy (available at;
  3. If you correctly answer the question, your entry will be deemed a “qualifying entry” and will go forward for entry into the prize pool draw. The competition will have a single prize pool draw which shall take place after the competition closes.


  1. To enter the competition, you will require internet access and an e-mail account. By entering this competition, the Entrant warrants that their entry does not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third party.


  1. Winner Selection: The winner will be selected from those Entrants who correctly answered the competition question. The group of Entrants who answered correctly will go into a random draw using a computer process that produces verifiably random results in accordance with the laws of chance that World Rugby will conduct. In the event of a dispute related to winner selection, the decision of World Rugby is final.


  1. The competition opens on 25 July, 2024 and the closing date for receipt of entries is at 23.59 on 19 October, 2024. Any entries received after this time will not be valid.


  1. All valid entries received after the opening date and before the closing time and date will become eligible to win the following competition prize (Note: there shall be one competition prize and one winner only):
  • 2 x Category 3 Tickets to each of the 3 test matches of the 2025 British and Irish Lions tour in Australia on:
    • 19 July 2025, Suncorp Stadium, Brisbane
    • 26 July 2025, MGC Melbourne
    • 02 August 2025, Accor Stadium, Sydney


  1. Ticket Prize: Where the prize is for tickets, it is for tickets only and does not include any flights, accommodation, internal travel, food, drink or any other expense or associated costs of any kind. World Rugby is not responsible for visa requirements that may apply in travelling to and from the event, or as a result of winning, collecting, use or enjoyment of any prize. Use of the tickets is subject to the terms and conditions on the tickets and the regulations in force at the applicable venue. The tickets may not be resold under any circumstances.


  1. Any prize provided by third parties are subject to additional terms and conditions from those third parties. A failure to agree to these terms and conditions may result in the applicable prize being offered to another Entrant.


  1. No applications from agents, third parties, organised groups or applications automatically generated by computer will be accepted. No incomplete or corrupted entries will be accepted. Entries will only be accepted if they comply with all entry instructions. Any entry that is deemed as offensive, inappropriate, obscene, unlawful or contain otherwise objectionable content or information will not be granted approval and will therefore be excluded from the competition. In addition, the winner shall not, in connection with their competition prize, display or publicize any political slogans or homophobic language, images of a lewd or explicitly sexual nature, images containing logos of competitors and overt brand sponsorship or anything else deemed to be ambush marketing or an abuse of the British and Irish Lions and/or World Rugby, content which is defamatory, obscene, illegal, vulgar, offensive or otherwise unsuitable or infringes others’ rights (including intellectual property rights) or reflects negatively upon the British and Irish Lions and/or World Rugby.


  1. World Rugby may, in its sole discretion, disqualify entries deemed to be non-compliant with these Terms and Conditions and World Rugby reserves the right to refuse entry to or disqualify any Entrant whose conduct may be unlawful or otherwise bring the competition into disrepute. In the event of such disqualification World Rugby may award the applicable prize to another Entrant.


  1. Responsibility is not accepted by World Rugby for entries lost, damaged or delayed as a result of any network, or computer hardware or software failure of any kind or removed from any social media platform as a result of third party rights breach or a breach of the rules of any social media platforms.


  1. By participating in this competition, you agree to release, discharge and hold World Rugby and its affiliates from any and all injuries, liability, losses and damages of any kind resulting from your participation in this competition (save that nothing shall limit our liability for fraud, or for death or personal injury caused by our negligence).


  1. Each prize is non-exchangeable, non-transferable and non-refundable and there is no cash alternative in whole or in part. World Rugby reserves the right to terminate or modify the competition, modify these terms prior to the closing date, vary details of the prize, or substitute a prize of equivalent value should unforeseen circumstances arise and require same. World Rugby is entitled to terminate or modify the competition or these Terms and Conditions at any time at its sole discretion prior to the closing time/date for any reason without liability or compensation to an Entrant.


  1. World Rugby shall not be liable for a prize which is lost, delayed or damaged in the post or otherwise not received by the winner. Any expenses or losses incurred by a prize winner in the use and/or enjoyment of a prize, are the sole responsibility of the prize winner.


  1. Following the prize draw, the prize winner will be notified by e-mail using the Entrant’s e-mail address within 30 days of the competition closing.


  1. The prize winner must respond within 7 days of notification by World Rugby to claim their prize by replying to the e-mail message and supplying details which may include their phone number and an address to send the prize to. If the prize is unclaimed after this time, it will lapse and World Rugby reserves the right to offer the unclaimed prize to a substitute winner selected in accordance with these competition Terms and Conditions.


  1. The winner will be contacted using the details provided to enter the competition. If any prize is not claimed within the time frame specified, or the winner cannot be contacted within a reasonable time, an alternative winner may be selected at World Rugby’s sole discretion in a manner consistent with these Terms and Conditions.


  1. Neither World Rugby nor any World Rugby group companies and contractors shall be liable (to the extent permitted by law) for any loss or damage arising out of organising or holding this competition or as a result of participation in the competition and any activities the prize winning Entrants and their guest/s undertake during participation in the event and whilst travelling to and from the event, or as a result of winning, collecting, use or enjoyment of any prize, or if the competition does not run as planned. This clause does not seek to exclude the liability of World Rugby and their respective group companies and contractors for (a) death or personal injury caused by their negligence, (b) fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, and/or (c) any other matter for which it would be unlawful for World Rugby and their respective group companies and contractors to exclude or attempt to exclude.


  1. The winner may be required to participate in publicity arising from this competition as may be reasonably required by World Rugby with no recompense and the winner, on behalf of themselves and their guests, agrees to such publicity and the use of their and their guest’s image throughout the world in any media.


  1. The winner acknowledges and agrees that the winning entry, once a winner has formally accepted the prize, may be posted by World Rugby on any social media platform and may be viewed globally, without any payment or compensation due or payable to the winner.


  1. If, by reason of any Force Majeure Event, World Rugby shall be delayed in, or prevented from, performing any of the provisions of this competition then, provided that the affected party is promptly notified of the nature and extent of the Force Majeure Event, such delay or non-performance shall not be deemed to be a breach of this competition and no loss or damage shall be claimed by the affected party hereto from the other by reason thereof.


  1. Should the exercise of the rights and obligations under this competition be materially hampered, interrupted or interfered with by reason of any Force Majeure Event the obligations of World Rugby shall be suspended during the period of such hampering, interruption or interference consequent upon such event or events and shall be postponed for a period of time equivalent to the period or periods of suspension before being reinstated and the parties hereto will use all reasonable endeavours to minimise and reduce any period of suspension occasioned by such event of Force Majeure Event.


  1. In these Terms and Conditions, the expression “Force Majeure Event” shall mean any cause or event outside the reasonable control of the parties and shall include fire, flood, earthquake, casualty, satellite failure, public health emergency or events arising out of or caused by Covid-19, lockout, strike, labour condition, industrial action of any kind, working to rule, unavoidable accident, breakdown of equipment, national calamity or riot, civil commotion, malicious damage, act of God, any cause or event arising out of or attributable to actual or perceived terrorism, or any other cause or event (whether of a similar or dissimilar nature) outside the control of the parties.


  1. These Terms and Conditions and any issues or disputes which may arise out of or in connection with these terms and conditions (whether such disputes or issues are contractual or non-contractual in nature, such as claims in tort, for breach of statute or regulation or otherwise) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law. Entrants hereby irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the English courts to settle any such dispute or issues.


  1. Competition Promoter: World Rugby Limited, 8-10 Pembroke Street Lower, Dublin, Ireland