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Surveillance des blessures

Injury Surveillance Research

Here, you can access reports on the nature of injuries suffered in various World Rugby competitions.

The first step in managing the health risks that playing rugby can involve is to understand the level and patterns of these risks, from which it is possible to identify new or evolving threats to player welfare and to assess the effectiveness of measures designed to reduce risks. Research studies that routinely capture and compile information on the injuries and illnesses experienced by players during World Rugby competitions are a long-standing feature of World Rugby's player welfare research strategy. 

Being able to accurately compare the risks of injury or illness between different playing groups in rugby (such as senior versus junior rugby, or professional versus recreational rugby), or between rugby and other activities, relies on having data has been collected in a like-for-like way. Consistently applying the same definitions and data collection practices helps to reduce the possibility that differences or changes in the size or patterns of risks are artificial.

To help with developing consistency across studies, World Rugby assisted with creating Consensus Statements that closely align procedures and protocols with collecting data. You can find links below to these Consensus Statements that should be consulted when planning injury surveillance research.

Click here for a Consensus Statement on injury definitions and data collection procedures for studies of injuries in rugby union (2007 Fuller et al.)

Click here for Guidelines for community-based injury surveillance in rugby union (2019 Brown et al.)

You can access the injury surveillance reports from World Rugby Competitions below:

Annual Review of Injury Surveillance Research

Senior Mens 15s Competitions

Senior Womens 15s Competitions

Senior Mens 7s Competitions

Senior Womens 7s Competitions

Junior Mens 15s Competitions