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Managing Change

All clubs, teams or associations will reach a point when discussions take place within the organisation, regarding growth. Should we grow the organisation or just leave things as they are?

Growing or developing the club, team or association isn’t always a good idea or necessary since the organisation could be achieving its goal or vision it has decided upon. Alternatively, the leadership group might have agreed that they don’t have the resources, financial or human to grow.

However, if the club does want to explore the idea of growing or developing, there will need to be certain factors in place.

  1. Leadership – there will need to be a leader or leadership group in place able to analyse the current situation, make decisions and develop a strategy.
  2. Culture – the club leadership group will all need to agree with the changes and support them. If the leadership group aren’t agreed, then it will cause upset and frustration.
  3. Resources – the leadership group will need to consider which changes to make and whether the club has the financial and human resources to make the changes
  4. Developing the Vision and the strategy to achieve it – the leadership group will need to agree on a simple “vision” of what they would like the club to achieve and “look like” in one or two years’ time. They will then need to agree on a strategy in which each person knows what their responsibilities are and what they need to do.

Download the following PDF documents for more information and practical advice on these key areas of change management.

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