What We Do

Here you can find all you need to know about World Rugby's anti-doping programme and our values campaign Keep Rugby Clean: our guiding principles, the aims of our deterrence and detection programmes and the values we live by and expect from all involved in rugby.

Learn about Anti-Doping in rugby and the importance of staying clean.

About Our Programme

About our programme

The World Rugby Anti-Doping programme uses a combination of education, awareness and drug testing to prevent and detect doping, and to safeguard the integrity of the game.

As an International Federation, World Rugby is a signatory to the World Anti-Doping Code (WADC), which means that our policies and procedures are compliant with the WADC and its International Standards.  We strive to ensure that our programme leads the worldwide anti-doping effort, and we work closely with WADA, and the National Anti-Doping Organisations (NADOs) of our leading countries to ensure the most effective possible programme.

Our priority

The programme protects clean participants.  Our primary focus is on securing a level playing field, by giving our teams, players and support staff the values, information and advice they need to be able to train, compete and recover safely and in line with the rules.

Anti-doping unit

Our anti-doping unit is operationally independent, and is administered by experts who understand the specific needs and risks in the sport.  Testing and education are risk and intelligence-led, and always make use of evidence-based, cutting-edge processes and science. 


Independent oversight is provided by our Anti-Doping Advisory Committee - a group of independent experts from across the anti-doping industry who regularly review the programme and shape major policy decisions - and by our collaborative working relationships with NADOs, and WADA. 
We care about the integrity of our sport, just like everyone else in the game.